
We visited many beautiful and mysterious places. The collection of our stones and gems come from those destinations. We carried them on our backs and often, over many weeks. They were our company during our adventures. And, as you can probably guess for yourself, sometimes it was not easy, but it was worthwhile.

Gaja Jewels

Gaja. It is one of the oldest names in the world. Its origins are derived from Greek mythology and it is associated with female energy, often linked to an abundance of love and fertility, the Goddess Gaia. It is Gaia who offers life and who has given the birth to the world and all our surroundings. Our Mother Nature, caring and generous, unrestrained and aware of Her great power at the same time.

Magical Stones

Our first magic stone that heal poisonous snakes’ bites was a gift to us in a location nearby Komodo island. Its previous owner, a witchdoctor or a shaman if you will, was convinced deeply of a Great Power hidden in the Nature. Fortunately, we met many more inspiring people on our path. Fortunately, because what far travels would be without extraordinary encounters and sudden enlightenments? 

Handmade Miracles

How often we are unaware of the fact the faith sets surprises in our life? Thanks to our travels we had a chance to meet people who inspired us to start this business. Those people convinced us that the true miracles can be handmade. And those motivated us to reach out to you. It is believed that it is a stone that attracts a person. It chooses a being it ‘wants’ to bond with.

Made with love

Our products are made with love and with an intention to bring beauty and peace into our life. We are eternally grateful to all of you who have already put trust in us and appreciated our jewellery. We would meet on a beach, during a festival or in a market. However, in the current unprecedent times we want to introduce you to our online offer.


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